Altima Africa Website

Client: Altima Africa

Country: Kenya

Website URL:

Scope of work

Client Overview

Altima Africa, a distinguished professional management company, is committed to creating a lasting impact on the organizations and individuals they serve. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Altima Africa stands as a stalwart in driving positive change and fostering growth.

The Opportunity

After a decade of successful operations, Altima Africa recognized the need to rejuvenate its online presence. The existing website required a transformation to accurately reflect the company’s prominent position in the market. Additionally, Altima Africa aimed to enhance the user experience for both clients and its internal team by incorporating advanced functionalities.

The Challenge

Altima Africa’s website needed a comprehensive overhaul to align with the latest technological advancements and meet the evolving needs of its diverse audience. One specific requirement was the incorporation of a recruitment portal to streamline the hiring process. The challenge was not only to build a responsive website but also to integrate a user-friendly recruitment platform.

The Solution

Collaborating closely with Altima Africa’s team, we embarked on a journey to craft a cutting-edge website that would not only showcase their expertise but also provide a seamless experience for visitors and internal stakeholders alike. The key components of the solution included:

UX Research


Final Website

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